Tuesday, December 24, 2013

East Devon Pharmacy Rota for the Christmas Period

Please note that this information was correct at the time of publication
but may be subject to change. Details of all pharmacy opening hours
can be found on the NHS choices website www.nhs.uk/pages/
homepage.aspx. Alternatively you can ring 111.

Christmas Day: Lloyds Pharmacy, Sidmouth 10.00am to 11.00am,
Boots the Chemist, Honiton 12.00 noon to 1.00pm
Boxing Day: Boots the Chemist, Sidmouth 09.00 to 5.30pm, Boots the
Chemist Honiton 10.00am to 4.00pm
New Years Day: Boots the Chemist, Sidmouth 10.00am to 4.00pm ,
Lloyds Pharmacy, Honiton 11.00am to 12.00noon.

Lunchtime closure

The surgery will be closed between 1pm and 2pm on Tuesday 24th December.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you

Friday, December 20, 2013

When we are closed over Christmas and what to do if you need medical assistance.

As the bank holiday approaches it is worth thinking about what you would do if you or a member of your family became unwell over the holiday period.  We recommend that you:-
  • stock up on over the counter medicines.  Your pharmacist can also give you advice on treatments and products available.
  • check you have enough prescription medicine to see you through the holidays and if you are going away pack enough for at least the duration of your holiday. 
If you need medical assistant when we are closed you can:
  • phone NHS 111 for medical advice.  Their telephone number is 111
  • pop in to your local pharmacy for advice and over the counter medication
  • phone us on 01404 814447 if your problem is urgent.  Your call will be automatically transferred to the out of hours service (Devon Doctors on Call).  You can also telephone Devon Doctors direct on 0845 6710 270. To avoid putting undue pressure on this service, please only phone  if your problem cannot wait until we reopen
  • phone 999 immediately in the event of a life threatening, medical emergency
Please avoid using emergency/urgent services and hospital A&E departments for routine problems or for problems that can wait until we reopen

We are closed on Wednesday 25th, Tuesday 26th December 2014 and 1st January 2015. Otherwise we are open as usual.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Staff Training

The surgery will be closed between 1pm and 2pm on Wednesday 18th December for staff training.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you

Monday, December 16, 2013

Baby Injection Clinic - Monday 23rd December

Please note that the Baby Injection drop in Clinic on Monday 23rd December is cancelled.  We will be running this clinic again from Monday 30th December.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused

Friday, November 29, 2013

Seasonal Flu

Our last few seasonal flu injection clinics are filling up fast.  If you haven't already done so and you are eligible for a flu vaccination please book an appointment.

Minor Injuries Unit at Ottery Hospital

The Minor Injuries Unit at Ottery Hospital will reopen and be available from Monday 2nd December 2013 between 0900 and 1300 Monday to Friday.  If you need to be seen outside these times, the nearest MIU is located in Honiton Hospital. Their current opening times are: Friday to Tuesday: 0730 to 2300 and Wednesday to Thursday 1000 to 1800.

Minor injuries are usually cuts, grazes, minor falls, animal bites, minor burns, bruising, sprains, strains, foreign bodies and minor bumps.

The Practice will continue to see patients with minor illnesses such as earache, rashes, conjunctivitis, leg infections (cellulitis), asthma, unwell child, emergency contraception.   The symptoms for many minor illnesses can be helped or treated with products that can be purchased over the counter from your local pharmacy.  However if symptoms persist or get worse please telephone us.

The following web sites have symptom checkers  www.devondoctors.co.uk and http://www.nhs.uk/Pages/HomePage.aspx

The following are not minor injuries:

999 emergencies
Severe airway or breathing problems
Actual or suspected overdose
Accidental ingestion, poisoning, fume or smoke inhalation
Blows to the head with loss of consciousness
Sudden collapse or fall
Penetrating eye injury
Chemical or biological contamination
Full thickness burns
Burns caused by electric shock
Severe lacerations and penetrating injuries
Trauma to hands, limbs or feet substantially affecting function

The closest accident and emergency unit, including Xray is located at the RD&E Hospital, Heavitree, Exeter. However if any injury or illness is life threatening you should dial 999 immediately.

If in doubt about where to be seen please telephone us on 01404 814447 for advice, or NHS 111 (dial 111).   After 1800 or before 0830 if you need a doctor and your problem cannot wait until we reopen, please phone us and hold while your call is transferred to Devon Doctors on Call.  Alternatively you can phone Devon Doctors direct on 0845 6710 270 or NHS 111 (dial 111).

Emergency contraception - please contact us or call in as soon as possible.   If you are unable to get in to see us, or during weekends or bank holidays you can still  access free emergency contraception from Walk-In Centres, Minor Injury Units, and some local pharmacies

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Order and book using a free App

You can now book your appointment, cancel your appointment and order your repeat prescription using an Apple APP.

The SystmOnline app can be downloaded for free now.  It can be found by searching SystmOnline within the app store on any iOS enabled device.  The app for Android devices will be released soon.

*Please note that to access the system you will need to register in the practice, in person with proof of identity.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Invite for health check

Please make an appointment for your NHS health check (phone us to see if you are eligible 01404 814447)

Sickness and/or diarrhoea

It's norovirus season again.  We need your help to reduce the impact of this virus on the community and our hospitals.

Please avoid attending the surgery if you have had sickness and/or diarrhoea within the last 48 hours.

For most people sickness and diarrhoea is usually self limiting (it gets better by itself).  For guidance on what to do here's the link to NHS Choices: treatment for diarrhoea  and vomitting/sickness and please telephone us if you need further advice.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Staff Training

We will be closed between 12.30pm and 2pm on Wednesday 20th November for staff training.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Have a cough or cold? Take care, not antibiotics

We are prescribing antibiotics wisely to help prevent the increase in antibiotic resistance and because most people get better without them.  Today is European antibiotic awareness day. More about Antibiotics Awareness Day is here.  http://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/EAAD/Pages/Home.aspx

Why did you not get antibiotics today?

 Colds and most coughs, sinusitis, otitis media (earache) and sore throats often get better without antibiotics.
 The list below shows you how long these illnesses normally last, what you can do to ease your symptoms and when you should go back to your GP or contact NHS  111.

Illness lasts on average: 

 Sore throat 1 week
 Common cold 1 ½ weeks
 Sinusitis 2 ½ weeks
 Cough or bronchitis 3 week

What you can do to ease the symptoms:

  • Have plenty of rest
  • Drink enough fluids to avoid feeling thirsty. 
  • Ask your local pharmacist to recommend medicines to bring down your temperature or control pain (or both)

When should you (or your child) to to your GP practice of contact NHS111?  (Listed in order of urgency, with the most urgent symptoms first):

1. If you develop a severe headache and are sick.
2. If your skin is very cold or has a strange colour, or you develop an unusual rash.
3. If you feel confused or have slurred speech or are very drowsy.
4. If you have difficulty breathing. Signs that suggest breathing problems can include:
o breathing quickly;
o turning blue around the lips and the skin below the mouth; and
o skin between or above the ribs getting sucked or pulled in with every breath.
5. If you develop chest pain.
6. If you have difficulty swallowing or are drooling.
7. If you cough up blood.
8. If hearing problems develop or if there is fluid coming out of your ears.

Why you should only take antibiotics when they are needed

  •  Bacteria can adapt and find ways to survive the effects of an antibiotic. They become ‘antibiotic resistant’ so that the antibiotic no longer works. The more you use an antibiotic, the more bacteria become resistant to it. 
  • Antibiotic-resistant bacteria don’t just infect you, they can spread to other people in close contact with you. 
  • Antibiotics can upset the natural balance of bacteria in your body. This allows other more harmful bacteria to increase. This may result in diarrhoea and thrush. 
  • Some antibiotics can cause allergic reactions such as rashes, being sick if you also drink alcohol and reactions to sunlight – and other symptoms. 

Ottery St Mary Food Bank

We have just received some up to date information about the food bank.  Enquiries about vouchers can be made to the Health Visitors based at Ottery Hospital on 01404 816019 or 816021 or Ottery Children's Centre on 01404 813642

With a steady increase in requests for food we have established a more permanent store in the United Reformed Church in Jesu Street (opposite the Co-op.)
We will be opening from 1-3pm on Friday afternoons to redeem vouchers issued by social care / health / welfare agencies.  This wil replace the system of delivering food parcels.  In emergency situations we can arrange to open the Food Bank at other times by contacting us at:
osmfoodbank@gmail.com or our new mobile number 07821314920
You may also collect food on behalf of clients if you wish.
Chris I'Anson

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Staff Training

We will be closed between 1pm and 2pm on Thursday 14th November for staff training.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Have you ordered your repeat prescription for Christmas?

Have your ordered your repeat prescription for Christmas?

Please think ahead to avoid being left without vital medication - whatever the weather and across all bank holidays.

We are anticipating a really busy time in the run up to Christmas and New Year, so if you need a routine repeat prescription or need to see your GP to get a prescription, please make your arrangements well in advance.

Our last working day will be Tuesday 24th December 2013.  We will open again on Friday 27th December 2013 and be open on Monday 30th and 31st December 2013.

We will be closed on 1st January 2014 and open again on Thursday 2nd January 2014.

You can book appointments and order repeat medication online.  Please bring proof of ID to our reception desk so that we can give you a password to access our system.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Remember, remember the 5th November - have fun and stay safe

For firework safety advice, go to http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Fireworksafety/Pages/Fireworksafety.aspx

The nearest minor injuries unit open this evening (Tuesday 5th November) is located at Honiton Hospital and is open until 2300.  

Our Nurse Practitioners' advice to treat burns is to:

  • Cool the burn with cool  water for 10–30 minutes, ideally within 20 minutes of the injury occurring. Never use ice, iced water or any creams or greasy substances, such as butter. 
Please see medical attention for:
  • all chemical and electrical burns 
  • large or deep burns – any burn bigger than the affected person’s hand
  • full thickness burns of all sizes – these burns cause white or charred skin
  • partial thickness burns on the face, hands, arms, feet, legs or genitals – these are burns that cause blisters
We provide a minor injuries service in Ottery between 0900 and 1300 Monday to Friday.  If you need to be seen outside these times, the nearest MIU is located in Honiton Hospital. Their current opening times are: Friday to Tuesday: 0730 to 2300 and Wednesday to Thursday 1000 to 1800.

The closest accident and emergency unit, including Xray is located at the RD&E Hospital, Heavitree, Exeter. However if any injury or illness is life threatening you should dial 999 immediately.

If in doubt about where to be seen please telephone us on 01404 814447 for advice, or NHS 111 (dial 111).   

After 1800 or before 0830 if you need a doctor and your problem cannot wait until we reopen, please phone us and hold while your call is transferred to Devon Doctors on Call.  Alternatively you can phone Devon Doctors direct on 0845 6710 270 or NHS 111 (dial 111).

Monday, October 28, 2013

Minor Injuries Unit

The Minor Injuries Unit at Ottery Hospital will be closed until 2nd December 2013.   The practice will be providing a similar minor injuries service in Ottery between 0900 and 1300 Monday to Friday.  If you need to be seen outside these times, the nearest MIU is located in Honiton Hospital. Their current opening times are: Friday to Tuesday: 0730 to 2300 and Wednesday to Thursday 1000 to 1800.

Minor injuries are usually cuts, grazes, minor falls, animal bites, minor burns, bruising, sprains, strains, foreign bodies and minor bumps.

The symptoms for many minor illnesses can be helped or treated with products that can be purchased over the counter from your local pharmacy.  However if symptoms persist or get worse please telephone us.

The following web sites have symptom checkers  www.devondoctors.co.uk and http://www.nhs.uk/Pages/HomePage.aspx

The following are not minor injuries:

999 emergencies
Severe airway or breathing problems
Actual or suspected overdose
Accidental ingestion, poisoning, fume or smoke inhalation
Blows to the head with loss of consciousness
Sudden collapse or fall
Penetrating eye injury
Chemical or biological contamination
Full thickness burns
Burns caused by electric shock
Severe lacerations and penetrating injuries
Trauma to hands, limbs or feet substantially affecting function

The closest accident and emergency unit, including Xray is located at the RD&E Hospital, Heavitree, Exeter. However if any injury or illness is life threatening you should dial 999 immediately.

If in doubt about where to be seen please telephone us on 01404 814447 for advice, or NHS 111 (dial 111).   After 1800 or before 0830 if you need a doctor and your problem cannot wait until we reopen, please phone us and hold while your call is transferred to Devon Doctors on Call.  Alternatively you can phone Devon Doctors direct on 0845 6710 270 or NHS 111 (dial 111).

Emergency contraception - please contact us or call in as soon as possible.   If you are unable to get in to see us, or during weekends or bank holidays you can still  access free emergency contraception from Walk-In Centres, other Minor Injury Units, and some local pharmacies

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Better late than never

Flu vaccinations are still available* - please book your appointment soon.

The practice is very busy when flu clinics are running.  When you come for your flu jab, for your own  safety and comfort, please:

  • only attend if you have a pre booked appointment.  It's easy to get an appointment - phone up or book online but please do not turn up without an appointment.  Our clinics are reviewed beforehand so that we have enough vaccine available and the health professionals running the clinics are aware of the patients who will be attending.
  • park in the Land of Canaan car park or Sainsburys

  • arrive on time, and no more than five minutes before your appointment
  • while you are waiting, take off your coat and roll up your sleeve
  • make a separate appointment with your doctor or nurse if you have any other health matters that you would like to discuss. The flu clinics are for administering flu vaccine only.
  • cancel and rebook your appointment if you have experienced any vomiting or diarrhea within the previous 48 hours.   Please also cancel and rebook if you feel unwell, have a high temperature or an infection.
You should tell the nurse before your vaccination if you are allergic to either eggs or chicken, if you have had a reaction to a previous flu jab and/or if you are allergic to antibiotics.

Flu vaccines are generally safe and well-tolerated.  Some people might develop tenderness and welling at the site of the injection.  A small number may experience any of the following: fever, headache, general aches and tiredness which may last one or two days.  If this occurs you may find paracetamol helpful (check that this is suitable for you by reading the instructions).

Sever allergic reactions following vaccinations are very rare and usually occur soon after vaccination.  If you develop symptoms such as breathlessness, swelling or a rash you should seek prompt medical attention.

*subject to eligibility

Friday, October 11, 2013

Staff Training

We will be closed between 1pm and 2pm on Friday 18th October for staff training.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Do I need a flu jab?

Follow this link to find out why a seasonal flu jab is recommended  http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/vaccinations/Pages/flu-influenza-vaccine.aspx  and follow this link to find out who should have one http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/vaccinations/Pages/who-should-have-flu-vaccine.aspx
and then phone us to book your appointment

Sharing Information - Your Choice

Friday, September 27, 2013

I'm not feeling well and the surgery is closed.........

Many minor ailments are self-limiting (which means they get better over time) and can be treated or symptoms alleviated with over the counter medicines eg pain killers for aches and pains, creams and medicines for insect bites, cold sores and other minor skin irritations, cough and cold, indigestion and heart burn remedies.    The local pharmacists can give you more information and advice. If you have a minor illness and you are no better within a couple of days or your symptoms are worsening please DO get in touch.

If you are not sure what to do and we are closed, please dial 111 for advice from the NHS 111 service.

999 and A&E departments are for medical emergencies
GP out of hours service is for urgent medical problems that cannot wait until we reopen

If you take regular medication please always ensure that you have enough to cover the weekend.  Repeat prescription orders can take 48 hours for us to process, please plan ahead.  

Have you booked yet?

Seasonal flu vaccinations are now available for eligible patients.

Fluenz is a nasal spray containing seasonal flu vaccine.  It is available to 2 to 3 year old children in clinics running in October.   We will be writing to the parents/carers of eligible children to remind them to make their appointment.   Please don't wait for your letter, if you would like to book your child(ren) an appointment please telephone us.

Friday, September 20, 2013

NHS 111 Goes Live In Devon

Devon switched on its new NHS 111 service on Tuesday 3rd September at 11.00am. The Devon service is going to be managed over 5 years by the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. The Outof-Hours GP calls to Devon Doctors will be gradually migrated over to 111 between October 2013 and April2014. NHS Direct will end its operations in September this year shortly after the launch of 111 and all NHSDirect calls will go to 111 instead.

NHS 111 is a national initiative that is being rolled out across the country. It is a new three-digit dial
telephone service being introduced to make it easier for patients to access local health services, when they have an urgent need. NHS 111 is available 24-hours-a-day, 365 days a year. Calls from landlines and mobile phones are free.

When patients call 111 they will be assessed, given healthcare advice and directed to the local service that can help them – that could be an out-of-hours doctor,a walk-in centre, a community nurse, an emergency dentist or a late opening chemist. If an emergency ambulance is required then this will be arranged automatically.

The new NHS 111 service aims to improve public access to healthcare services and drive improvements in the way the NHS delivers care. NHS 111 can help us to make sure that people get their urgent care needs met in the right place at the right time.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Flu Appointments Now Available

Your appointment for a seasonal flu injection is available now (subject to eligibility*).  Please book online or telephone us on 01404 814447.

*You are eligible if you are:-

  • are over 65 years old
  • live in a residential or nursing home

Or if you suffer from any of the following conditions:

  • Chronic respiratory disease
  • Asthma
  • Suppression of your immune system (eg splenectomy, chemotherapy)
  • Chronic heart disease
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Stroke
  • Multiple Sclerosis or Central Nervous System Degeneration

or are:

A registered carer

Emergency SMS

If you cannot make voice calls to an emergency service you can now contact the 999 emergency services by SMS text from your mobile phone.  Emergency SMS is part of the standard 999 service which has been designed specifically for people with hearing loss or difficulty with speech.

To find out more and details on how to register please go to www.emergencysms.org.uk or www.rnid.org.uk/esms

Thursday, August 22, 2013

August Bank Holiday - what to do if you are unwell

As the bank holiday approaches it is worth thinking about what you would do if you or a member of your family became unwell over the holiday period.  We recommend that you:-
  • stock up on over the counter medicines.  Your pharmacist can also give you advice on treatments and products available.
  • check you have enough prescription medicine to see you through the holidays and if you are going away pack enough for at least the duration of your holiday. 
If you need medical assistant when we are closed you can:
  • phone NHS Direct for medical advice.  Their telephone number is 0845 4647
  • pop in to your local pharmacy for advice and over the counter medication
  • phone us on 01404 814447 if your problem is urgent.  Your call will be automatically transferred to the out of hours service (Devon Doctors on Call).  To avoid putting undue pressure on this service, please only phone  if your problem cannot wait until we reopen
  • phone 999 immediately in the event of a life threatening, medical emergency
Please avoid using emergency/urgent services and hospital A&E departments for routine problems or for problems that can wait until we reopen

We are closed on Monday 26th August 2013 and reopen on Tuesday 27th August 2013.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Staff training

We will be closed between 1pm and 2pm today for staff training.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and for the short notice.  

Friday, August 16, 2013

Insect bite or sting - what to do

If you or someone you are with is experiencing a severe adverse reaction to a sting or bite eg they are having difficulty breathing or swallowing, please  telephone 999 and ask for an ambulance.

Treating insect bites and stings

Most bites and stings are treated by:

  • washing the affected area with soap and water
  • placing a cold compress (a flannel or cloth soaked in cold water) over the area to reduce swelling
Try not to scratch the affected area to avoid infection and if you are in pain or the area is swollen, take painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Your local pharmacy can advise you on over the counter medicines which may relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Should I see a nurse practitioner or doctor?

Please telephone us for advice if you have a lot of swelling and blistering, or if there is pus, which indicates an infection, or if you experience any of these symptoms

  • wheezing or difficulty breathing
  • nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea
  • a fast heart rate
  • dizziness or feeling faint
  • difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
  • confusion, anxiety or agitation

Monday, August 12, 2013

Devon Mental Health Joint Commissioning Strategy Consultation Event

Devon CCG and Devon County Council are running an engagement event to inform people about the new draft Mental Health Commissioning Strategy for Devon.  You will be able to comment and influence the final strategy.  You are warmly invited to attend if you are a person using mental health services or a carer of someone using mental health services and you live in the area covered by the NEW Devon CCG or you are a provider of or referrer to mental health services in the NEW Devon CCG area.

The focus of the event is adult mental health services and the strategy does not apply to older people's or dementia services.

Friday 23rd August 1400-1630 The ISCA Centre, Summer Lane, Whipton, Exeter EX4 8NT.  Places are limited if you would like to attend you will need to complete a booking form.  For more information please contact Be Involved Devon 01392 201218 or email enquiries@beinvolveddevon.org. uk

Save a Life, Give Blood

The next Give Blood sessions will be held on 28th August 1315 to 1530 and 1645 to 1930 at Ottery St Mary Football Club, Wasbrook Meadows, Butts Road, Ottery.  to make an appointment please call 0300 123 23 23.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ottery St Mary Minor Injuries Unit (MIU)

From today Ottery Hospital Minor Injuries Unit will be closed for three months.  The practice will be providing a similar minor injuries service in Ottery between 0900 and 1300 Monday to Friday.  If you need to be seen outside these times, the nearest MIU is located in Honiton Hospital. Their current opening times are: Friday to Tuesday: 0730 to 2300 and Wednesday to Thursday 1000 to 1800.

Minor injuries are usually cuts, grazes, minor falls, animal bites, minor burns, bruising, sprains, strains, foreign bodies and minor bumps.

The symptoms for many minor illnesses can be helped or treated with products that can be purchased over the counter from your local pharmacy.  However if symptoms persist or get worse please telephone us.

The following web sites have symptom checkers  www.devondoctors.co.uk and  http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/

The following are not minor injuries:

999 emergencies
Severe airway or breathing problems
Actual or suspected overdose
Accidental ingestion, poisoning, fume or smoke inhalation
Blows to the head with loss of consciousness
Sudden collapse or fall
Penetrating eye injury
Chemical or biological contamination
Full thickness burns
Burns caused by electric shock
Severe lacerations and penetrating injuries
Trauma to hands, limbs or feet substantially affecting function

The closest accident and emergency unit, including Xray is located at the RD&E Hospital, Heavitree, Exeter. However if any injury or illness is life threatening you should dial 999 immediately.

If in doubt about where to be seen please telephone us on 01404 814447 for advice, or NHS Direct on 0845 4647.  After 1800 or before 0830 if you need a doctor and your problem cannot wait until we reopen, please phone us and hold while your call is transferred to Devon Doctors on Call.  Alternatively you can phone Devon Doctors direct on 0845 6710 270 or NHS Direct on 0845 4647

Emergency contraception - please contact us or call in as soon as possible.   If you are unable to get in to see us, or during weekends or bank holidays you can still  access free emergency contraception from Walk-In Centres, other Minor Injury Units, and some local pharmacies

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Transforming Community Services


Community services includes district nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, bowel and bladder nurses and  community hospitals.  The current provider of our community services in Eastern Devon is Northern Healthcare Trust.  There is a requirement to launch a competitive tender for these services which will complete in October 2015.  Dr Kerr, has been involved with the NEW Devon CCG in leading some of the local discussion and focus on this re procurement.  Health Summits have been held in both Ottery and Honiton to consider the services provided by our community teams and further consultation will follow later in the year.  More information and details about how to contribute to these discussions can be found on the NEW Devon CCG website  http://www.newdevonccg.nhs.uk/


Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (NEW Devon CCG)  are responsible for commissioning £1.1 billion  of healthcare services on your behalf.  They have replaced Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and have been authorised to commission healthcare services from 1st April 2013.
The Eastern Locality is part of the Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group. It has a population of c380,800 and is represented by four sub-localities: Exeter, Mid Devon, WEB (Woodbury, Exmouth and Budleigh) and Wakley (Axminster, Seaton, Sidmouth, Honiton and Ottery St Mary). Sub localities are smaller populations within Eastern Devon where care is commissioned uniquely to ensure it meets their different needs.

The Eastern Locality aims to improve health in all populations and reduce inequalities.
  A set of principles that support this vision include:

· To commission new models of care that promote early intervention, self care and high quality care at home
· To commission a stable and sustainable health and social care economy supporting providers through a three year transition programme
To commission services which meet the needs of the people of Eastern Devon 

Online Services


Patients can sign up to access our online appointment booking and repeat prescription ordering.  It is called SystmOnline.  Please ask our receptionists for more information.

Electronic Prescriptions


You no longer have to come into the practice to pick up a prescription instead we can usually send it electronically to the chemist of your choice.  If you would like to make use of this service please ask your local chemist to set it up for you.   If you consult with your doctor and would like your prescription to be sent directly to a pharmacy electronically (instead of taking the paper copy there yourself) please ask them to do this for you.

Car Park


Our car park is small and gets very busy with pedestrians and cars.   Please only use it if you are unable to walk from Land of Canaan or Sainsbury’s car park.  Please park considerately and not on the grass, garden or hatched areas; particularly the ambulance bay as this is used for ‘blue light’ emergencies

Email and Fax Communications


Emails and faxes are an attractive way for patients to communicate with the practice and we are pleased to deal with administration matters such as repeat prescriptions.  However it is difficult for us to respond quickly and appropriately to emails and faxes regarding appointments and requests about medical and personal circumstances that need advice.  In addition emails and faxes are not confidential.  Please avoid trying to communicate with your doctor or nurses in this way.

Stop Smoking


We run very successful one to one stop smoking sessions.  If you are still trying to kick the habit and need some help please make an appointment with one of our practice nurses.  Quitting not only improves your health, but those around you too

Waiting Room


As a result of suggestions from you,  our Patient Group and from the results of the patient survey, we are very pleased to be able to display up to date patient information and health messages on our TV screen as well as call patients.  Other improvements we made because you asked us to are hand gel dispensers in the waiting room and, on hot days, drinking water at reception. 

Carers Health Checks


Carer’s Health Checks are still available

All patients who have a caring role (for spouse, parent, child or friend/neighbour) are entitled to a free NHS health check.  We offer carer’s health checks here and would be pleased to see you at one of our appointments.  If you would have difficulty attending an appointment because of your caring responsibilities please let us know and we will try to find a way for you to access your health check.

If you have had a carers health check  in the past you may be eligible for a review.   Please telephone us to check.  We would be very pleased to see you again.

MMR Catch Up


We are currently inviting patients between 10-16 years old to attend our MMR catch up clinics.  If your child missed their MMR vaccinations or did not complete the course then please telephone us for an appointment.

Whilst the Swansea outbreak is now over, we strongly recommend that you arrange for your child to commence/complete the MMR vaccination programme now as measles is a nasty and potentially life changing/life threatening disease.

Appointment availability

Over the last few years GP practices up and down the country have experienced exceptional growth in demand for services.   There has also been plenty of news in the media lately about the UK’s aging population and the knock on effects on health provision, the NHS’s ability to pay for and provide new, life changing treatments and medicines and the Government target for the NHS to make £20 Billion of efficiency savings by 2015.  Every GP practice is challenged to offer more with limited and sometimes diminishing resources.

Over the last five years we have seen our registered list of patients increase by 44%, yet the number of face to face consultations increased by 91% and the number of telephone consultations by a staggering 409%  Nationally general practice is increasingly being provided by a predominantly female workforce and many GPs both male and female are actively choosing either to work part time in practices or to provide additional services with the extended NHS, often bringing externally acquired skills and competencies to their GP work.

I am very aware that some patients have found it difficult to get appointments, when they want them with the doctor of their choice.  I apologise for this and acknowledge that at times our system has been unable to cope with the demands put on it and offer the flexibility expected. 

We have invested heavily in an electronic call management system allowing both the monitoring of call volumes, the time patients are kept waiting and the facilitating of the diversion of calls to be handled additionally by receptionists away from the front line during busy periods.  We are confident this system has benefited patients and staff management considerably. 

The whole practice team has recently been involved in looking at ways to improve our access, based on need with a focus on continuity of care. We are planning to roll out a revised appointment system in early October and more details of this will follow shortly.  Features of our new system will include patients being asked to book with their own doctor, rather than any doctor and will rely on our receptionists signposting patients appropriately.    

If you are registered with a particular doctor but for whatever reason see someone else, please ask to be transferred to their list.  Of course if you are registered with a male doctor but prefer to see a female doctor for certain conditions/symptoms or vice versa we can arrange that for you and you do not need to change doctor permanently.  

If your condition is urgent and you need same day medical assistance, please contact the on call team via reception on 01404 814447. Our receptionists may ask you for more information about your condition so that you can be directed to the most appropriate appointment.  Usually they will ask a member of the on call team to phone you to agree an appropriate plan with you.  This may be self-treatment or over the counter medicine, a prescription, or an appointment with either a Nurse Practitioner or a Doctor.  Routine advice can also be obtained from your local pharmacist, NHS Direct 0845 1234 or online at www.patient.co.uk

We run an appointment system, therefore in the first instance please telephone us.  Our receptionists are excellent at signposting if you are able to tell them what the problem is. 

Please avoid turning up at reception without an appointment, expecting to be seen.  This puts enormous pressure on the whole system and unless it is an emergency, usually means an exceptionally long wait, being sent away to wait for a phone call or diversion to another service such as minor injuries unit or the out of hours doctor service.  If you telephone when we are closed your phone call will automatically divert to the out of hours service who will be able to help you. 

Please do your upmost to have some degree of flexibility when booking routine appointments. We can usually offer appointments within a couple of days but you may have to change any pre-existing plans you have for that day.  

Many minor ailments are self-limiting (which means they get better over time) and can be treated or symptoms alleviated with over the counter medicines eg pain killers for aches and pains, creams and medicines for insect bites, cold sores and other minor skin irritations, cough and cold, indigestion and heart burn remedies.    The local pharmacists can give you more information and advice. If you have a minor illness and you are no better within a couple of days or your symptoms are worsening please DO get in touch.

If you have a condition or symptoms that may suggest you have something contagious (that other people may catch) please stay at home and telephone us for advice.

Each month we highlight to ourselves the many hours of valuable appointment time that is lost because patients did not attend their appointment.  Please ring to cancel if you no longer need your appointment.   

Flu Vaccination, please book your appointment

We are heading towards the seasonal flu season and you are entitled to a free flu vaccination if you:-. 
· are 65 years of age or over
· are pregnant
· have a long-term medical condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease, lung disease, kidney or neurological disease
· have a weakened immune system (the body's natural defence against infection and illness)
· live in a residential home
· are a carer for someone else
Flu can be more serious for these groups
You can book your appointment for October 2013 now by telephoning us on 01404 814447 or if you have signed up to SystmOnline you can book your appointment  online via the practice website.
Flu is a highly infectious and very common viral illness that is spread by coughs and sneezes.  It's not the same as the common cold. Flu is caused by a different group of viruses and symptoms tend to be more severe and last for longer. You can catch flu - short for influenza - all year round, but it is especially common in winter, which is why it is also known as 'seasonal flu'.  Flu causes a sudden high temperature, headache and general aches and pains, tiredness and sore throat.  You can also lose your appetite, feel nauseous and have a cough. Flu symptoms can make you feel so exhausted and unwell that you have to stay in bed and rest until you feel better.

If you are otherwise fit and healthy, there is usually no need to see a doctor if you have flu-like symptoms.  The best remedy is to rest at home, keep warm and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. You can take paracetamol or 
ibuprofen,  to lower a high temperature and relieve aches.

You should see a doctor if you have flu-like symptoms and you are
- 65 or over
- are pregnant
- have a long-term medical condition such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, kidney or neurological disease
- have a weakened immune system

Antibiotics are of no use in the treatment of flu because it is caused by a virus and not bacteria.

More about our doctors....

Back in December Dr Bailey and Dr Russell joined our medical team. We are delighted to be able to share a little more about them

Dr Bailey completed her medical training at Birmingham University. Following this she entered into the Dudley GP training scheme and during that time developed an interest in Palliative Medicine.  She went on to work in one of the few NHS run Hospices in the country alongside her work in General Practice. She continues to have an interest in Palliative Medicine, working as a local Macmillan GP. This involves training others and developing services in end of life and cancer care. She also has an interest in family planning.

Michelle is married with two lively children. When not at work she can often be found cycling round the Devon lanes or digging in her family’s allotment.

Dr Russell qualified in 1999 from Birmingham Medical School. Postgraduate training developed her general medical skills and supported the attainment of diplomas in child health, obstetrics, gynaecology, family planning and tropical medicine. The latter was put to use during a 4 month voluntary post on the Burma border before she consolidated GP training in Cornwall and attained the MRCGP qualification.

She has settled in Devon with her husband and two young children, with whom she enjoys various outdoor activities such as sailing, cycling and camping.