The Minor Injuries Unit at Ottery Hospital will be closed until 2nd December 2013. The practice will be providing a similar minor injuries service in Ottery between 0900 and 1300 Monday to Friday. If you need to be seen outside these times, the nearest MIU is located in Honiton Hospital. Their current opening times are: Friday to Tuesday: 0730 to 2300 and Wednesday to Thursday 1000 to 1800.
Minor injuries are usually cuts, grazes, minor falls, animal bites, minor burns, bruising, sprains, strains, foreign bodies and minor bumps.
The symptoms for many minor illnesses can be helped or treated with products that can be purchased over the counter from your local pharmacy. However if symptoms persist or get worse please telephone us.
The following web sites have symptom checkers and
The following are not minor injuries:
999 emergencies
Severe airway or breathing problems
Actual or suspected overdose
Accidental ingestion, poisoning, fume or smoke inhalation
Blows to the head with loss of consciousness
Sudden collapse or fall
Penetrating eye injury
Chemical or biological contamination
Full thickness burns
Burns caused by electric shock
Severe lacerations and penetrating injuries
Trauma to hands, limbs or feet substantially affecting function
The closest accident and emergency unit, including Xray is located at the RD&E Hospital, Heavitree, Exeter. However if any injury or illness is life threatening you should dial 999 immediately.
If in doubt about where to be seen please telephone us on 01404 814447 for advice, or NHS 111 (dial 111). After 1800 or before 0830 if you need a doctor and your problem cannot wait until we reopen, please phone us and hold while your call is transferred to Devon Doctors on Call. Alternatively you can phone Devon Doctors direct on 0845 6710 270 or NHS 111 (dial 111).
Emergency contraception - please contact us or call in as soon as possible. If you are unable to get in to see us, or during weekends or bank holidays you can still access free emergency contraception from Walk-In Centres, other Minor Injury Units, and some local pharmacies
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